Monday, October 11, 2010


I felt the need to light a vanilla scented candle and put on a sweatshirt before I sat down tonight - I just felt right. If there was something I could do to make the temperature drop and rain begin to fall, I'd do it. Fall has always been my favorite season and the good thing about being in Southern California is that it seems to last until Spring, since Winter rarely shows up to take it's place in line.

I can't really remember when it started, but I'd venture to say that it is more than just the weather that I love, it's the season, the parties, the holidays, and sharing all of those things with the people who mean the most to me.

Naturally flowing from that, comes the nostalgia of years past. I don't find myself getting emotional much anymore about how this season has changed in my life over the last 3 years. I'm not sure if the third time's a charm gig works for family life situations, but perhaps I'm living proof. Also, I'm not sure what my role is in the situation anymore. What kind of power do I have?

Today at my office an affiliated business partner came in to show his face and to see what he could do for our team. He isn't typically someone I'm dying to speak with; he's bad listener, he brags, and most of the time, makes me feel less of a person and to be frank, uncool. I never thought that feeling from grade school would come back in adulthood - I seem to be very wrong.

We arrived upon the subject of marriage, but mostly divorce. I'll speak more of this in a separate post, but the correlation was too good not to say it now. My question still bounces around my head. At what point can/should one call it quits? On your Spouse (to be discussed later), on your family, on your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc? 3 years have come and gone, and I am still not really sure how I got here.

It's been something I've thought about in the last few weeks more than I have in a long time. That's all, and Autumn seems to have a way of re-igniting such activity.

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