What would be something strange about you that people might be surprised by?
When I was in High School I washed my feet on average 7 times a day. Yes, I even left class in the middle of a period to keep ‘em clean. I have since relaxed a bit and only wash them about 3 times a day.
Name: Piazza Navona
Type: Italian Bistro
There would be equal amounts of indoor and outdoor patio seating. I would serve only traditional Italian food. Lunch and dinner served throughout the week and we’d be open for breakfast (cappuccinos, espresso, and pastries) on Saturday and Sunday. Only those who have a sincere love for a European dining experience would be fans of my restaurant – impersonal waiters, relaxed/classy dinning, and fabulous traditional foods. You won’t find BBQ chicken pizza or still water on my menu. I make one promise: You will feel like you visited and experienced La Citta Eterna before you pay the tab.
Tell us about a favorite childhood memory.
I spend most of my childhood in a two–story home in Chino Hills. Every Christmas we would help my dad put up Christmas lights and when we had finished we would watch the sun go down while we sat on the highest part of the roof. My mom would make hot chocolate and the four of us kids would sit in awe of how little we were and how big the world was.
What has been something your core group girls have taught you over the years?
I will admit that I could spend pages writing about all that I have learned from them. I see how they love and welcome those around them, how they encourage one another, but something that really sticks out is how they think about God and His word. It isn’t in a certain way that they think about Him, but that He is what they think about – I am convinced of this weekly as they come with more and more questions – going deeper than I am driven to go most of the time. They remind me how important it is that our thought life is to be consumed with Divine things.