In my conversation with a friend this morning following church, we discussed expectations in romantic relationships: a little goes a long way.
A friend stopped by Starbucks this evening, and as I stared at my blank word document, I put my papers aside, and talked about life for 30 minutes: a little goes a long way.
I got a text message seeking advice on something I definitely had strong opinions about, but I love this person dearly, and wanted to make sure they knew they had my support, so I merely asked questions instead of spewing opinions: a little goes a long way.
One of my friends who lives far away was on Facebook chat tonight, we talked about life, the struggles, laughed a little and made sure all was well on each side of this country: a little goes a long way.
As I sit here at this very moment, I am working on a group project. I long to see some competent effort from my other group members: a little would go a long way

This morning at church people left encouraged after services dedicated to prayer and the worship of our Savior in whose sovereignty we can truly find rest in after a devastating weekend for so many of our brothers and sisters: a little goes a long way.
I realized that I feel most loved when I know someone takes an interest in me - my life, my heart and my burdens. I realized what it means to ask how someone is doing, and to truly seek an answer because you care, not because it is common courtesy.
Today I realized how often I fall short – how often I fail as a friend to ask, to call, to take interest in another’s life. How could they know that I love them if I don’t?
I believe that we live in a world that makes little effort. We are lazy, and it isn’t ok. It isn’t ok when someone wonders about the depth and validity of their friendships, in their family, or with a significant other. When you realize that over everything else, relationships are of utmost importance, we must treat them as such.
Sovereign Lord, maker of heaven and earth, the One who tells the wind to cease, the One who has power over uncontrolled flames, the One who promises peace beyond understanding to those who love thee, forgive me, Lord, for falling short in every relationship that you have blessed me with. They are yours. Help me to honor them in such a way that brings joy and praise to you. Let my love be evident to those around me. I need Thee every hour. All praise honor and glory are Yours. Hallelujah.
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